Applications have arrived in reality
This became clear at the panel discussion “GIS - The foundation for digital twins (DT)”, where participants discussed their practical experiences.
Ronny Zienert, President of the State Office for Basic Geoinformation Saxony, reported on the “doubling of the Free State” through a digital twin in the form of a comprehensive photorealistic image. The goal is clearly defined: Political decisions must be underpinned by sound data. Among other things, AI makes the digital twin easy to use.
Gisela Fabian, Managing Director of the Landesbetrieb Landesvermessung und Geobasisinformation Brandenburg, impressively demonstrated how authorities and organizations with security tasks (police, rescue, fire department) in Brandenburg act together on the basis of a common database, for example when deciding to evacuate a village in the event of a forest fire.
Markus Müller, Head of the Geoinformation and Cartography Department at the City of Stuttgart, showed how the DT of the state capital is used in the planning of a new city district, in the planning of the urban climate, in questions of climate impact adaptation and mobility planning. Konrad Wenzel and Jürgen Schomakers from ESRI convincingly explained how decision-makers can also make more informed decisions using voice-supported AI tools.