2020 is the year of the unexpected, of surprises and the occurrence of events nobody thought possible. Worldwide we are required to deal with this challenge, to understand it and learn from it. Personal contact is currently reduced to a minimum. Through these experiences, we are reminded of how important and irreplaceable it is to be able to face each other and look each other in the eyes. This is what dialogue engaged at eye level and personal interaction are all about, as has been possible at INTERGEO EXPO and CONFERENCE for the past 25 years.
In 2020 we want to continue to strengthen the trust in INTERGEO as the most important platform of the industry. This year, security and a fair and equal opportunity for everyone to participate, both nationally and internationally, will come to the fore.
Due to international travel restrictions, the protection of risk groups and the limited possibilities of people coming together in enclosed spaces, the INTERGEO 2020 in its diversity and size is not feasible under the usual circumstances. The State of Berlin recently reduced the number of participants of indoor events to 1000 people from 1 October. Under these conditions, the international geo-community cannot and will not meet in Berlin from 13 to 15 October as planned. In 2019 more than 20,000 visitors came together in Stuttgart to exchange views and information with more than 700 exhibitors over three days at the innovation hub INTERGEO. In 2020, under the changed conditions, we want to continue to be this interface for science and politics, for industry and users from all over the world.
Therefore, the organiser DVW e.V. - German Society for Geodesy, Geoinformation and Land Management and the HINTE EXPO & CONFERENCE have entered into an intensive dialogue with exhibitors and industry partners of INTERGEO in order to realise a completely digital platform for the Conference and Expo. The result is INTERGEO 2020 Digital, which will not only facilitate the transfer of knowledge and exchange of ideas within the CONFERENCE, but also guarantees the accessibility and opportunity to drop-in at the exhibitors.
This form of networking at the digital INTERGEO 2020 over three days from 13 to 15 October will strengthen our interactions, the internationality and trust in the number one community platform of the industry. So that we can once again experience shared moments in 2021!
Daniel Katzer, Director Trade shows and Conferences: “The DIGITAL INTERGEO is ready. Together let’s evaluate and discuss how you can make the most of your digital opportunities.”
Christiane Salbach, Managing Director DVW GmbH: “Whether you are an exhibitor, sponsor, speaker, initiator, participant or contributing associations – your involvement in INTERGEO is irreplaceable. Remain a partner of INTERGEO and let us come together and exchange ideas digitally in 2020. You will be surprised at how much appreciation for you and your requirements has gone into the development of the digital platform. Let’s get together: from 13 to 15 October at INTERGEO 2020 Digital! We look forward to seeing you!“
Christoph Hinte, CEO HINTE EXPO & CONFERENCE: “We have set ourselves the challenging task of developing a conceptual and economic perspective for this year. The partnership we have developed over the years and our trustful cooperation with exhibitors, the trade media and important associations is the guarantee that we will be able to implement a powerful and forward-looking INTERGEO Digital and thus not only maintain INTERGEO as a leading platform for the geo-community in the future, but also ensure that it continues its 25-year success story in 2021.“