Smart City Talk from 18.6.2021, 1 to 2 p.m.
The influx into metropolises continues - this is true for Germany, Europe and the whole world. Climate change is accompanied by the need to massively reduce climate-relevant carbon dioxide emissions. The influx of people into cities poses a major challenge for urban planning. Densification leads to competing uses. The tasks for city administrations are becoming increasingly complex, but the tools and methods are often still based on traditional, static approaches and only involve a limited number of citizens and stakeholders in relevant decisions.
The digitalisation of cities is picking up speed in Europe. With digital twins and platforms for citizen participation, the planning process, including decision-making, is being transformed into the digital realm, making it ever more vivid, understandable and comprehensible. There are plenty of new and forward-looking things to report. And there are still enough questions and construction sites to move the processes forward.

Prof. Dr. Gesa Ziemer
HafenCity University Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Volker Coors
Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart

Dr. Gerhard Schrotter
Stadt Zürich
Denise Wenzel. INTERGEO TV & Communication manager HINTE EXPO & CONFERENCE