Understanding cities and planning sustainably.

Dr. Timo Munzinger from the German Association of Cities emphasizes the importance of sustainable smart city projects, while experts present innovative approaches in Leipzig, Munich, Hamburg and Berlin that aim to improve the local quality of life while minimizing risks such as over-engineering.

The smart city plays a role in all challenges relevant to municipalities, but is not the solution for everything, explained Dr.-Ing Timo Munzinger, speaker from the German Association of Cities in the CONFERENCE session "Smart Cities: Present and Future". He cited examples such as the serious damage to infrastructure, the space requirements of the new mobility mix needed in the transport transition and the resilience of cities and municipalities after shock events such as extreme weather. Munzinger presented smart city projects such as the participation platform in Münster, car-to-city communication in Kaiserslautern or smart irrigation of trees in Bochum and a barrier-free guidance system in Lemgo and Kalletal. Smart city projects are services provided by local authorities, which should always aim to improve the quality of life locally. Munzinger sees risks in over-technicalization and the follow-up costs of digitalization projects that have not been factored in. A cross-departmental strategy, a high degree of citizen participation and integrated urban development are important for implementation. Not to forget: The evaluation of projects should not be neglected. Dr. Nora Reinecke, overall project manager of the Connected Urban Twins project, which won a DVW award last year, presented the developments in the pilot cities of Leipzig, Munich and Hamburg. Magdalena Konieczek-Woger from the Berlin model project Smart City presented pilot projects that are part of the Berlin Smart City strategy "Together Digital: Berlin", including the Kiezbox 2.0: Data in Everyday Life and Crisis, the Smart Space Hardenbergplatz, which is intended to transform mobility, and the pilot project "Smart Water", in which water and urban greenery are to be designed in a climate-friendly way. DVW Vice President Dr.-Ing. Frank Friesecke led through the program.